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HEAVY SKY - The United Gardens of Venus

When it became clear that Mars would not offer a viable colony world, plans for an artificial satellite colony in the orbit of Earth's other neighbor, Venus, emerged. Today, the Hanging Gardens of Seramis are home to roughly ten million inhabitants. Getting there is easy enough, but living there is expensive and requires good connections. The Venusian industries specialize in genetic alteration and modification. Many of the gene mods allowing humans to live on Mars long term originate from Seramis. While Mars has an atmosphere that is easily terraformable but lacks gravity suitable for Earth-born life, Venus indeed has sufficient gravity, but its atmosphere is extremely inhospitable. Venus is hot, has high levels of atmospheric pressure at the surface, and if those two issues were not bad enough, its atmosphere is also corrosively acidic. But with Earth becoming less and less hospitable, more extreme solutions for an escape of humankind became increasingly viable, especially as M

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